The following is a transcript of my second week of the writing challenge #Lore24. One of many posts covering my fantasy fiction writing. The images are a little hard to read and I’m self-editing as I transcribe so they’re tighter in terms of grammar and diction.
The world I’m building is centered around a continent filled with people who look like dragons, who live in a semi tribal system, and who take on a great pilgrimage as part of their religion. In tabletop role-playing game terms, I’m constructing a campaign setting. Essentially, a land in which players can drop their characters. My aim is to make this “system agnostic” so it could be played with any game systems such as D&D, Pathfinder, Old School Essentials, Forbidden Lands, etc. This idea came about around 2019 and stewed on the edges of my imagination for a long time. Some things always kept me inspired like, Studio Ghibli’s “Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind”, Middle Easter culture, Final Fantasy 12, and the nature I’ve been blessed to witness.
Welcome to my campaign setting I’ve dubbed…
The Khodo Pilgrimage
Day 8, 1/8/24
Khodo and Narlin heard Yorseth and moved great amounts of earth. The two Faraii dragons bore the Khodo people and thus have great empathy for their plight. The ground around the mountains shook for days until finally Khodo herself flew down the North face of the mountains clearing a swath between the two armies. The ground directly below her flightpath began to shift and soon after geat plateaus rose several hundred feet into the air. The great Narlin was reportedly seen lifting the plateaus himself. Witnessing his might, Yorseth declared the wall for the Namesake of their. Onyx-black walls with intricate and alien runes along the surface now split the warring camps. With one final sweep Khodo returned from the White Wastes to a point atop the wall where she met with Narlin. The two surveyed their work and with a might roar a bright light split a vertical slit in the wall from the ground up to the top. Moments after the light vanished the wall began lumbering outward to swing open revealing the pair had created a gate. Thus, “The GReat Gate of Narlin” was created. Yorseth sent word to the Marothínian leader Thuule declaring this gate as a holy haven open to all who are cold. They would later broker a tenuous peace between these two armies.
Day 9, 1/9/24
Yorseth continued to lead the two groups in peaceful negotiations. Seeing their handiwork, the Earthen Faraii held council with the others who all agreed the pointless squabble needed to end. A great confrontation occurred. The two battling brothers suddenly found themselves intercepted and outnumbered. Initially all the dragons raged and fought as the Faraii each called to the Ummaii to come to their senses. It wasn’t until Borothín (Boro-) heard the cries from his Warrior of Light (Bolarii) that he ceased his raging. If his loyal followers could make peace with the Marothínians, so could he. However, in the midst of Boro beseeching his brother, Marothín (Maro-) gave a killing stroke with his poisonous tail. At once, the other Faraii descended upon Maro- and held him down, preventing further attacks. Shortly after, an ethereal and booming voice broke the skies apart to reveal the enormous and resplendent Marín floating in the space beyond the skies. Her coils wrapped around Volós several times. She had been watching her smaller brothers from her domain and decided Maro had acted with indignation. She helped the Faraii in arresting Maro- and quickly ascended with him to the black void beyond the skies. The Faraii, caring for a dying Boro- and a sleeping Brín were left to watch over the world the Ummaii had created.
Day 10, 1/10/24
Boro approached death. With his power fading, one wish entered his mind; communion with the Bolari. Flying from the Southeastern coast of Falezir to a large settlement in the West, Boro- began to shed his ancient draconic form. Along the route, the great dragon’s bright scales began dripping a trail of scales over the land. The huge scales fell and embedded themselves into the land. By the time he came to rest at the city of Roan. The remanant of his energy were used to speak with the Bolari and the Khodo there for 3 days. His lesser form resembled an ethereal and majestic figure akin to the Khodo themselves. He provided wisdom and solace to those he met. His last day on the side of a great hill he called for his followers and the Marothínians to create a holy city for all the Khodo to join together in celebration and peace. The celebration of the Boraj is held every three years in recognition of the three years of war coming to an end. Thousands of Khodo traverse his path of scales in an arduous pilgrimage to reflect on their history. The journey takes between 30 and 45 days at an average pace. Some Khodo pride themselves on getting to The Holy City Yorseth quickly but there is no official recognition of this feat. There are numerous shrines along the path which serve as helpful respites from the journey.
Day 11, 1/11/24
Once all pilgrims are accounted for, the Boraj celebration begins. Three days of revelry, contemplation and declarations begins. Most come to renew their vows to the Boroh’jím, but many also come for personal reasons. It is expected for all Khodo to take the pilgrimage at some point in their lives, and kin of all ages can be seen along the trail. Once inside The Holy City, all basic needs are met by the High Council who oversee progress of the Khodoriyat- the regime of the Khodo people in the land of Falezir. For the hundreds of year since Boro-‘s passing the council have managed to grow the Khodoriyat into a peaceful and powerful nation. When Khodo pilgrims embark on their journey their communities often see to the oversight of any social responsibilities. In this manner, many Khodo mothers elect to communally raise their children in broods called ilkhodaji. It is often said Ilkhodaji stick together for life.
Day 12, 1/12/24
Among the Khodoriyat are castes of kin. While all are welcome to take the pilgrimage and become honorary Khodo kin, most of the society are dracokin. They are peoples who can trace their ancestry back to some of the original ilkhodaji born from Khodo herself. Accepted as brethren with no cause for denial are individuals of reptilian ancestry. They are revered as cousins close to the dracokin family. All ancestry are said to be the work of the Dragons do any others are welcome to undertake the pilgrimage and must be vetted by someone in the two other castes who will serve as a sponsor. The Khodaji, Semkhodaji and gaidaji are all celebrated and have many privileges within Khodo society. Typically, those of the Khodaji are better off than those outside the ancestry, but Khodo of all stations are taken care of through the work of the High Council.
Day 13, 1/13/24
The high Council is made of a collection of representatives. Three representatives from five different regions travel frequently to The Holy City to hold council. These meetings determine what goods each region has and what each region needs. A regions people may request their council petition for goods beyond the usual needs of the population. When one region is in trouble from drout, storms or foes, the other regions are typically able to assist with emergency goods. IN this manner, The Great Gate of Narlin is often used as a storehouse for surplus goods as it's well fortified and protects against the elements.
To Serve on the Council is a great honor and typically reserved for the eldest Khodaji or Semkhodaji. None may campaign for the position as it goes against the Boroh'jim of humility. It is seen as a great responsibility and burden as a new Council Member's life changes forever until their passing. At this time, Gaidaji are not neccessarily forbidden from serving, but it is considered near impossible for a foreigner to be elected to serve. Aside from the movement of goods, the Council govern over the issues facing the Khodo people, arrange the pilgrimage and Boraj, teach the Boroh'jim to their ilkhodaji, and a multitude of other administrative minutia. To simply serve in the aide of a High Council Member is a great honor in the community.
Day 14, 1/14/24
Gaidaji are a rather new phenomenon in Falezir. As the world of Volos ages, the other continents experience their own life and histories. With the recent advent of flying ships the trek across the sea to the nearest Southern continent, named Elezir, has become much less treacherous. It is said that once the Khodo people ascend as a great society, the Faraii will allow safe passage for the Khodo people to explore the world.
The first of the gaidaji were those of Elven ancestry who braved the seas and arrived in massive longships. Initially hostile, peace was brokered between the Khodo and the Qakra people. These are fierce fighters who simply did not have the manpower to battle with the stout Khodo. Their magicians were strong but so were the Magi Khodo. Trekking across the sea nearly ended the elves so they did not wish to set out again until supplies were rebuilt. The Qakra people would work alongside the Khodo, and as a show of good faith, they were invited to partake in the pilgrimage and Boraj. After decades some would come into the fold, but most would retain their old tribal traditions. To this day they work and barter with the Khodo of the Northeaster regions of Banu as loggers and forest watchers.
I’ll continue updating these and sharing more about The Khodo Pilgrimage with you all. I’d like to work on putting these together into a single book or ‘zine for publication some day. Please look forward to reading more as I transcribe them and do not forget to be on the lookout for the free monthly post as well.