The following is a mini transcript of my 5th week of the writing challenge #Lore24. One of many posts covering my fantasy fiction writing. The images are a little hard to read and I’m self-editing as I transcribe so they’re tighter in terms of grammar and diction.
The world I’m building is centered around a continent filled with people who look like dragons, who live in a semi tribal system, and who take on a great pilgrimage as part of their religion. In tabletop role-playing game terms, I’m constructing a campaign setting. Essentially, a land in which players can drop their characters. My aim is to make this “system agnostic” so it could be played with any game systems such as D&D, Pathfinder, Old School Essentials, Forbidden Lands, etc. This idea came about around 2019 and stewed on the edges of my imagination for a long time. Some things always kept me inspired like, Studio Ghibli’s “Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind”, Middle Easter culture, Final Fantasy 12, and the nature I’ve been blessed to witness.
Welcome to my campaign setting I’ve dubbed…
The Khodo Pilgrimage
Day 29-31 (1/29/24 - 1/31/24)
A timeline of Khodo history
Unknown era
Ex- the beginning
Smart - the dance of the dragons
200ba. The first Koto are born
100 Before Ascencion (BA). The dark Century
Ancient era
Zero BA. Borothin ascends. The Great Gate Rises.
3 After Borothin (AB). First High Council formed, first Boraj.
36 AB. the challenge of the Dragons arrives.
93 AB. Gaiuss of Cassis dies at age 153.
100 AB. Pangom of Banu dies at age 145.
105 AB. Yamil of Druir is felled at age 131
111 AB. Fayne of Yoss disappears at age 142
150 AB. Yorseth of Roanji dies at age 173.
Common Era
513 AB. The Elves land and begin colonizing the eastern Coast
516 AB. Peace with the Elves is brokered
829 AB. The first Humans arrive and attempt colonizing the Southern coast of Roanji.
Yamil is Felled
One Summer about 105 years after Borothin ascended, Yamil was slain in combat. Earlier in the month a rogue band of nocturnal tribe members had raided a small seaside village in the Northeastern area of the Druir region. Although he was getting old Yamil was still a prideful and strong warrior. He rode out to the foothills alone with his newest horse Fireheart, a descendant of Sanji. Nobody heard from him until Fireheart returned alone covered in blood. His family contacted the other Nalif or "fathers" of the Banu and Cassis regions. The two were descendants of Pangom and Gaiuss, who had inherited the weapons of light and the leadership of their regions. Out of honor, the two showed up and brought with them a cadre of Warriors. The foothills were cleared and Yamil's desecrated body was found and returned to his family. When the party returned they found Yorseth and Fayne awaiting them. Yorseth had a vision and sought passage South with Fayne. She presided over the traditional rights of Yamil's burial and saw to it his weapon and responsibilities were passed down to his son Javaros. Yamil was closest to Yorseth and his passing broght her great grief. She stayed for many months with his family afterwards and would often visit his grave to pray to the winds.
The Disappearance of Fayne
Shortly after her 142nd birthday Fayne of Yoss disappeared from her ship. Docked in a private cove, Fayne's ship, the Leviathan was found empty. There did not appear to be any scuffle or signs of someone packing to leave. Her belongings were simply there. This left the question of her succession on everyone's mind. She bore no ilkhodaji of her own and had not left documentation of her wishes. She simply vanished as far as anyone could tell. The people of yoss called for the council to come be the nonpartisan arbiters of her matters. Yorseth have heard of Yoss's dilemma and traveled with the current Council. After the council all toured and investigated the Leviathan, Yorseth spent the night there in Fayne's cabin. When asked if Yorseth had been illuminated about Fayne's disappearance, she only gave a pained smile and stated that, "she did not know but sleeping there helped her say goodbye to a dear friend. " The protection of Isle of Yoss and Fayne's holy items were passed to Pakuu, a strong warrior in the region known for his good deeds and faith.
I’ll continue updating these and sharing more about The Khodo Pilgrimage with you all. I’d like to work on putting these together into a single book or ‘zine for publication some day. Please look forward to reading more as I transcribe them and do not forget to be on the lookout for the free monthly post as well.